How can chiropractic help during pregnancy?


Pregnancy is a time of growth: the physical growth of both a new baby and a growing belly, as well as the emotional and spiritual growth as a woman becomes a mother. During times of growth and development, it is more important than ever to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional health.

The nervous system coordinates growth

The first thing to develop in the new baby is the nervous system, and it develops first because it is the most important! The nervous system skillfully and specifically orchestrates growth, coordinating signals so that mom and baby grow together.

Making sure that the nervous system is working properly during pregnancy helps not only mom, but also baby. Chiropractors clear interference in the communication between the brain and the body to make sure that messages between the two are able to get where they need to go, coordinating beautiful growth! A well-functioning nervous system means that the brain has accurate awareness of the body’s needs and is able to coordinate appropriate responses to address them. Chiropractic helps your nervous system function at its best!

Optimizing space for baby

Chiropractic care can also help make sure that mom's pelvis and spine are moving properly. This not only helps mom be more comfortable during pregnancy, but also gives baby lots of space to move and grow! Balancing mom’s pelvis helps baby get into a head-down position, preventing breech presentation.

Pregnancy doesn’t have to be uncomfortable!

Chiropractic can help moms with symptoms such as low back pain, neck pain, heartburn, constipation, headaches, migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. Women who receive chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy have been shown to have shorter labor times (citation), so it is a good idea to establish care as soon as you find out you are pregnant!

Growing healthy adults, one child at a time

We love seeing pregnant moms and kids in the office! It's very special for us to take care of women in this phase of life and to start their babies off right with their health.


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