How Chiropractic Can Help with Headaches


Identifying the Cause

Headaches and migraines can be debilitating. We look to resolve the root cause of headaches instead of trying to cover up the pain. Misalignments in the upper neck can often be a contributing factor in headaches and migraines.

Your Neurological Master Power Switch

The C1 vertebra, also known as the atlas, is the top bone in the neck and functions like a neurological master power switch for your body. All of the information that comes down from the brain and goes out through your nerves has to go through the C1 vertebra first. Similarly, all of the status reports that your organs send back to the brain have to go through the C1 vertebra to get there. This means that the atlas has the potential to neurologically influence the entire nervous system, and therefore, your entire body.

Neurologically based headaches, such as migraines and cluster headaches, may be influenced by a misalignment of C1. The misalignment can interfere with the communication between the brain and the rest of the body and lead to pain as well as other symptoms like auras. Having a chiropractor evaluate and correct any misalignments in this area can help many patients find relief.

Misalignments & Muscle Spasms

There are several muscle attachments between the C2 vertebra, which is the second bone in the neck, and the bottom of the skull. If the C2 vertebra is misaligned and rotated, it can pull asymmetrically on these muscles and contribute to headaches. Consistent asymmetrical movement in the head and neck from a misalignment can cause muscles to spasm from either overwork or disuse. As a result, this misalignment can be related to headaches that cause pain at the back of the head, pain that includes the back of the neck, and tension headaches that feel like a tight band around your head.

Misalignments in the neck can also interfere with the neurological information traveling from the affected nerves to the muscles downstream. For example, a misalignment may irritate a nerve and cause it to tell its downstream muscle to constantly contract. Many of the muscles of the head are innervated by the upper neck, so a misalignment in the upper neck can cause a spasm that contributes to a headache. Chiropractic adjustments can restore proper communication along these nerves so that the muscle tone can be regulated effectively by the brain.

Posture Matters!

Forward head posture is becoming more and more prevalent. You may have heard of this as "text neck" or "tech neck," and it occurs from looking down in front of you for an extended period of time. Maintaining this posture consistently can cause misalignments in the spine and can cause the natural curve of the neck to straighten.

The head weighs about 10 lbs, which is similar to the weight of a bowling ball. Imagine holding a bowling ball with your arms out straight in front of you. Your arms and shoulders would start to ache quickly! It's much easier to hold the bowling ball close to our center of gravity. The same is true for our neck holding up our head! When the head is tilted forward, it can cause misalignments in the neck and can also cause the muscles of the neck to ache, both of which can contribute to headaches.

Time to See Your Chiropractor!

If you have headaches and are looking to understand their source, schedule an appointment with us. Our detailed exam is designed to thoroughly evaluate headaches and any spinal misalignments that may be contributing to them.


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