What causes misalignments in the spine?


Chiropractic care corrects subluxations, which are misalignments in the spine that influence the nervous system. This not only helps the spine locally at the area of the misalignment, but it also helps maintain a well-functioning nervous system, where messages between the brain and body are able to be communicated without interference. Here at Agape Family Chiropractic, we are passionate about helping our patients hold their adjustments and maintain proper spinal alignment. One of the best ways to do this is to gain a good understanding of what causes subluxations to occur. So, what causes misalignments in the spine?

There are three things that can contribute to a subluxation, which we like to call the "Three T's." They are thoughts, toxins, and traumas. Each of these categories contributes to emotional, chemical, or physical stress on the body and can lead to a misalignment in the spine and interference in the communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

1. Thoughts (Emotional Stress)

When we feel mental or emotional stress, it can take a toll on our body! This can cause the body to tense up, leading to asymmetrical forces on our spine and contributing to misalignments.

2. Toxins (Chemical Stress)

Environmental toxins, as well as toxins in our food, or things we each might be allergic to, can contribute to chemical stress on the body. How these toxins are metabolized by the body can vary, and they have the potential to cause muscle guarding and other asymmetrical forces on the spine.

3. Traumas (Physical Stress)

Traumas include everything from slips and falls to the micro-traumas of repetitive stress, like poor posture. Physical trauma can not only cause misalignments directly, but they can also cause injuries that the body has to compensate for. Limping on a sprained ankle can change how you walk and cause misalignments in the spine from repetitive asymmetrical motions.

It's important to remember that the body is STRONG and can often adapt to these three types of stressors! However, sometimes the stressor overcomes our ability to adapt to it and results in a subluxation. When that happens, it's important to make an appointment to get checked out by a chiropractor. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper alignment and proper communication along the nervous system, which keeps the whole body functioning at its best!


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