Enjoying the Sun: UV Rays and Your Health


Hello sunshine! DC gets particularly sunny in the summer, and there are so many things to do outdoors! There are many benefits to getting some sunshine, and several of the benefits can be gained even while you're wearing sunscreen!

Boost Your Vitamin D

UV rays help your body naturally produce Vitamin D. Vitamin D has several functions in the body, including helping the body absorb calcium and influencing immune signaling pathways. There is even some preliminary evidence that Vitamin D can be particularly helpful in preventing influenza and COVID-19 infections! Some extra time in the sun can help boost your Vitamin D levels and keep your immune system strong!

Improve Your Mood

UV rays also increase the body's production of serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that elevates your mood, and low levels of serotonin are associated with depression. Getting some sun can literally brighten your day!

Don't Forget the Sunscreen!

Enjoying the sun in moderation is the best way to experience the benefits of the sun while avoiding burns. Overexposure to the sun is associated with increased risk of skin cancer, so if you're going to be spending more than 15 minutes outside during the peak sunshine hours of 10am-4pm, consider adding some sunscreen!

Keeping your body active outdoors this summer is great for your health. Don't forget to check in with your chiropractor to make sure your body is ready for summertime activity!


Happy Fourth of July!


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