Happy Fourth of July!


Happy Fourth of July! Here at AFC we celebrate not just freedom for our country, but also freedom from subluxation!

What is a subluxation?

A subluxation is a misalignment in the spine that interferes with our neurology. It can disrupt the communication that occurs between the brain and the rest of the body, interfering with the healing process. You can read more about what causes subluxations here. Chiropractic care corrects these misalignments, which restores communication between the brain and the rest of the body. This facilitates the body's ability to heal itself!

What does it look like to have freedom from subluxation?

Living free from subluxation means enjoying your optimal health! It's waking up with energy, hitting the perfect "flow" with efficiency and focus in your work, then hitting new levels of flexibility in your yoga class. Whatever it is that you love to do, living free from subluxation helps you do it at your optimal performance!

Enjoy the Fourth of July this year celebrating freedom for our country and freedom from subluxation!


Happy National Women Chiropractors Day!


Enjoying the Sun: UV Rays and Your Health